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Columban Prayers for Healing

The Columban Prayers for Healing on this page were written by Columban priests in the United States. New prayers are added when they are received.


We Need Each Other

Lord God you have created us 
and made us to love others.

During this pandemic, we have found
out how much we need each other.

Build our hearts to continue to care for
the sick and vulnerable; to respect
all those affected by this virus.

Let us be strong and kind for each other
as we become more willing to follow
your invitation to love.

We make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

— By a Columban Missionary

Bless Those Who Aid the Sick

Some of us are very vulnerable at this time
of pandemic. We rely on the assistance of those who
are our neighbors.

Bless those who aid the sick.
Give your power to those who serve the
most severely ill from Covid.

Help us Lord God to be brothers and sisters
treating each with dignity.

We pray in Your Holy Name Jesus the Christ.


— By a Columban Missionary

Kingdom of Light and Peace

Heavenly Father, we praise you for Your Love
and Faith which you give to us.

Lead us to remember those who have this virus.
Free us from indifference.

Let all be healed and converted from our selfishness
so that your Kingdom of Light and Peace may surround us.

In Jesus Name, we pray. 


— By a Columban Missionary

COVID Prayer of an Impatient Person

Dear Lord,
I like quick results.
In summer, I want the heat to leave soon.
In fall, I look for the peak color to come when I want it
In December I wish Christmas was here.
In winter I want the snow to melt NOW.
In fact, I want winter to be over NOW.
In springtime I look for the flowers early
And I expect you to hurry the little leaves onto the trees.
And then there is COVID…

I want a vaccine to be available to all
I want to travel and to dine out.
I want to meet friends and not have to worry.
I want the deaths and suffering to stop NOW.
I think there is a lesson in all this for me.
You took eons to do the work of creation
And thousands of years to prepare the world for Jesus.
Your agony on the cross was long and painful.
Lord, let me take your hand and walk at your pace.
I trust we will arrive where we need to be
When we need to be there.


  By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Your Loving Response

During this time of the virus so many are suffering
in so many different ways. 
Lord, I am tempted to wonder if you are really
listening to my pleas and prayers. 
Then I realize that you are so firmly present
in my life that you always offer me
your joy and peace if I am listening.
Yes it is tough to wait and wonder.
Yes it is tough to persevere.
Lord open my heart to hear your loving response
to my pleas that I may continue to abide in your saving peace.

— By a Columban Missionary

Christmas Gift to God

Dear Jesus,
At Christmas you come to us as the gift of God’s very self.
You embrace us with your love that never fades, diminishes, or weakens.
Help us all to reflect your love in acts of understanding and compassion
especially for the poor and all who have less in life.
This time of pandemic is deeply challenging.
Encourage, heal and support us.


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Grant Us Consolation

Lord as we suffer through this time of the virus
allow us to turn to you for strength and comfort. 
I know that your saving help reaches out
to those afflicted and in pain. 
Grant us the faith to believe that you are here
with us and will grant us a consolation
beyond even our deepest desires.

— By a Columban Missionary

Now I Have Time

How life has slowed down! 
I used to be engaged in frenetic activity. 
Now I am limited by constraints from Covid-19. 
I always wanted to rest, to simply have time to be at peace. 
Now I have that time. 
But instead I am anxious, upset and worried
about getting back to the way it was.  
Maybe my idea of peace is not the Lord’s. 
Now I am beginning to understand that verse
from John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 
I do not give to you as the world gives. 
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 
Lord help me to take advantage of this time
to accept the peace that only you can give.

— By a Columban Missionary

God's Own Mysterious Way

Dear Lord I thought this virus would be over by now. 
How long more must I wait? 
How or when is this going to end? 
Where can I go to get some relief? 
Then I recall a verse from  Is 41, 10 
“Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God.
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”

God is working through all of this in God’s own mysterious way. 
God is compassionate to us especially when we patiently wait with faith.

— By a Columban Missionary

Bring Us the Promise of New Life

Dear Jesus,
You came to show the real meaning of life.
You came to bring forgiveness and healing to a broken world.
By your giving of yourself even to the point of death,
you save us and bring the promise of new life.
May your touch and example embolden us
in facing the challenge of the coronavirus.


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

A Prayer for Thanksgiving

Lord God, today I am grateful
for the gifts that you bestow.

They are different from a year ago
when mobility, activity, social life
were full and energizing.

These days, my gratitude is for the basics.
That there is food, and shelter and neighbors
and friends.

Life is slower during this pandemic but
there is plenty to appreciate among
the blessings shown each day.

May we be increasing aware of God's
goodness and blessings
even in times of change and scarcity.

Let us make this prayer in Light
and Peace of Jesus Christ


— By a Columban Missionary

How Long, Lord

Sometimes Lord I simply get tired of waiting
for things to get back to normal. 
How long more?

Then I remember the well-known plea
in the words of psalm 13. 
How long O Lord? 
Will you forget me forever? 
How long will you hide your face from me?

But I read on and hear the psalmist sing,
How good our God has been to me.”
Yes, despite it all I am blessed
in so many other ways.


— By a Columban Missionary

You Are Here With Us

Lord I believe that you will always care for us. 
As it prays in the psalm “You have created
my inmost being you have knit me
in my mother’s womb.”
Now during this time of the virus help us
to have confidence that you will not abandon us. 
No matter how much our lives have been changed
or how much we are suffering
I trust that you are here with us.


— By a Columban Missionary

We Lean on Your Promise

Dear Lord God,
it was steady and predictable
to live in stability for a long time.

Now, there is much uncertainty
How long will this pandemic last?

In ages past, our ancestors also had
experiences of pandemic

We are not the only ones to know
this kind of illness and possible pending

Faith teaches us that you  will not abandon us Lord God.
So, we lean on your promise to stay with us
for all time.

Let us be sources of encouragement and support
for one another as brothers and sisters
as we face the changes and pandemic of our time.

With God, all things are possible.
May the God who gives us power and strength
grant us peace and solidarity
to live each day with goodness and grace

In Christ Our Lord.


— By a Columban Missionary