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February 2019

February 2019


February 2019

By Fr. Bobby Gilmore

During the 1980s, great expectations abounded in the member states of what was then the European Community. We were told that just over the horizon a new European…


By Subin Lee

Last April 18, I boarded a plane going to France. Starting in France, I was on my way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.


By Cathal King, nephew of Columban Fr. Tomás King

Last year I decided to go to Pakistan to visit my uncle and get a sense of the work he was doing. Since as far back as I can remember I've been hearing of this uncle who…


By Fr. Andrei Paz

"The Columbans are still interested." With those words, Fr. Tom Shaughnessy concluded his letter to Andrei Paz. It was an invitation which put the young philosophy…


By Fr. John Boles

The faithful at Santa Rosa chapel in Lima might at times feel they are suffering from double vision.


By Oisin Kenny

Sitting down with Patricia Rodriguez amidst a noisy comedor (community center) bustling with activity, boisterous children, cats and dogs, she agrees to tell me about her…


By Fr. Daniel Harding

For the five weeks leading up to Christmas 2017, two Adelaide, Australia, diocesan seminarians, Anthony Beltrame and Olek Stirrat, participated in a pastoral experience…


By Fr. Michael Hoban

In his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis put his finger on one of the principal obstacles to spreading the Good News of the…


By Virgenia O. Vidad and Columban Fr. Oliver McCrossan

I met a very courageous and determined girl sometime in 2005 in Ozamiz City, Philippines. Maryjoy Tabuco is the eldest among the four siblings.


By Fr. John Burger

Fr. Peter LiChun Dong is a new face among Columban missionaries. Recently ordained, he is the first Columban priest from mainland China.


By Sr. Redempta Twomey

For the gift of this New Year, we say "Thank You." God has already blessed us.


As we prepare for a new century of mission to the world, we recall what inspired the early Columban pioneers and what they achieved, reflect on how their successors…