Behold, O good and sweetest Jesus,I cast myself upon my knees in Your sight,
I will go to the altar of God.To God who gives joy to my youth.
Mary, Virgin forever,most worthy Queen of the world,pray for our peace and salvation,
The Catholic Church in China today continues to be a vibrant witness to God’s love. Whether in large cities or rural villages, Catholics of all…
Lord, on this Labor Day,we thank You for the blessing of work.
Jesus, we, Your followers, live in an in-between world.
St. Gregory, you are known for your zealfor the Catholic faith, love of liturgy,
Holy Mary, my patron,I ask you to pray for me to Jesus your son.
On the 4th Sunday of Easter – Good Shepherd Sunday – the universal church celebrates Vocations Sunday. The word vocation means “to call.”…
The story about paying tax occurs only in Matthew (17:22-27), not surprisingly, as he was a former tax-collector. At the time of the writing of…