“Man man” is a Chinese word meaning slowly. I often come across this word when I’m out and about in Taiwan. Oftentimes, I would see this…
We have allowed dualism to color the way we have traditionally interpreted the saying of Jesus that is found in Matthew 19:23-30. To see the world…
I met the fishermen last night as I crossed the Nacamaki village green on my way to a dance practice. The dau ni vucu (composer) was teaching me a…
Mother of my God, and my Lady Mary;as a beggar, all wounded and sore,
Long warm days.The pace of life slows.A time for picnics and rest in the shade.
Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of Your mercy,
O glorious Saint Martha, I run to your protection and aid,
Dear God, please keep my family and loved ones safe.
Lord Jesus, may everything I do begin with You,continue with Your help, and be done
O holy guardian angels,heavenly friends of my children,