Coming back to Taiwan as a second term lay missionary, I was very excited to go back to serve in the migrant ministry. I have a new assignment…
O invincible defender of Holy Church's freedomSaint Gregory of great renown,
Dear God, I spend so much time reliving yesterday
Lord, we thank You for our parents, without whom we would not be here.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who granted to blessed Bernardine, Your Confessor,
A few months previous, his health started getting worse, and he needed to have an operation because there was a tumor on his neck. The doctor, his…
O Holy Spirit,I humbly implore You,to be with me alwaysso that in all things,
O Lord, I thank You for allowing me to have these very special people in my life.
Saints of God,who owe your happiness to the Blood of Jesus;
In 2007, during one of my weekly visits to the Hsinchu City Immigration Detention Center in Taiwan, I met Ani and Siti (not their real names), two…