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Our Lady Star of the Sea

Mary, Star of the Sea, light of every ocean,

O Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son,
establish yourself as a furnace of love

The Power of Human Connection

In the tapestry of life, every thread represents a choice made, a step taken, or a relationship f

Prayer to Blessed Emilie Gamelin

Provident God,
You whom Emilie came to know early in her life,

Help to Beat Summer Heat

Atsui ne, “Isn’t it hot” has become a summer greeting here in Japan. Announcements on our televisions tell us to use air conditioning and drink…

Prayer of St. Padre Pio

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
for whom it is impossible

O Dear St. Therese

O Dear St. Therese de Lisieux, Little Flower of Jesus,

St. Matthew Pray for Us

O blessed Saint Matthew, once a tax collector,

Prayer of St. Eustache

My Lord and my God!
I offer up to You my petition
in union with the bitter passion