O God, who elected the blessedand illustrious Doctor, Peter Chrysologus,
Saint Martha, I resort to your aid and protection.Comfort me in all my difficulties
Father in Heaven, ever-living source of all that is good,
I admit, Lord, that often I wonder why the pandemic.
I have been sincerely trying to live out those words of Pope Francis. I would say my mission in Korea has been really inspiring, life-giving, self…
Holy patrons of my children, St. Joachim,take an interest in me their father;
Help me discover, O my God,the nothingness of this world,the greatness of heaven,
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of mercy,
O Jesus! Heavenly Physician,raised aloft on the Cross to heal our wounds with Yours,
Since the middle of April, I have been watching out for the arrival of a particular kind of migrant, this time a winged one, a swallow. After a…