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Prayer of St. Bernard

Run, hasten, O Lady,
and in your mercy help your sinful servant,
who calls upon you,

Prayer of St. John Eudes

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of my God and Savior,

Your Healing Presence

At a time like this, the prayer, “hearken to our prayer

We Fly to Your Patronage

We fly to your patronage, O holy Mother of God;

Can You See Me Smile?

There is an old Chinese proverb that says “a man without a smiling face must never open a shop.” This is pretty sound advice. If you can’t smile…

My Weakness

Lord, You have chosen the weak to shame the strong.

Prayer for the Assumption

Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,

Prayer of St. Maximilian Kolbe

O Lord Jesus Christ, who said,
"greater love than this no man has

Prayer of St. Hippolytus

O Jesus, remembering Your death and resurrection,

Prayer of St. Jane Frances De Chantal

O my Savior, I resolve with Your Divine assistance,