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Prayer for a Happy Easter

Today, we are thrilled to go with Mary Magdalen

Easter Vigil Prayer

Lord, Your rising from the dead
increases my faith, hope and love.

Good Friday Prayer

O Jesus, Who by reason of Your burning love for us
has willed to be crucified and to shed

The Way the Lord Leads One

I first considered becoming a priest when I was seven years old.

Death Song

After a poem by the Koryo monk Ch’ungji

The Empowerment of Women

The empowerment of women and girls is a most urgent need in today’s world where discrimination, v

Holy Thursday Prayer

Father, Your Son chose Your will for Him
over His own desires.

I Stand Before You

Loving Father,
I stand before You in the midst of confusion and complexities of life.

May Your Kingdom Come

Take away all fear from my life
and give me a strong faith like Abraham,

Mission in Mushroom City

“Ever seen a mushroom grow? asked our gardener one morning in the grounds of the Columban Center House in Peru, as he pointed out to some of us a…