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Prayer to St. Andre Bessette

Lord, you have chosen Brother André
to spread devotion to Saint Joseph,

Feast of St. John Newman

O Jesus, who on earth commanded and practiced a hidden life,

Prayer of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord Jesus,
Who was born for us in a stable,
lived for us a life of pain and sorrow,

Can Humanity Ever Be United in Doing Good?

The latest letter of Pope Francis, his Encyclical, Fratelli Tuttii “Brothers and Sisters All,” is one that should touch every heart, stimulate our…

Living Out the Sacrament of Baptism

When we look at the scene of the baptism of Jesus as depicted by Christian artists the important

Prayer for the Gifts of Harmony, Peace and Joy

God takes us beyond what our minds can imagine beyond the limits we put on our hearts knowing that the cosmos and all earth creatures are brother…

Your Kindness Will Follow Me

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew You,

Prayer to St. Gregory of Nazianzen

St. Gregory, you are known for your zeal
for the Catholic faith, love of liturgy,

Solemnity of Mary

O God, who through the fruitful virginity
of Blessed Mary bestowed on the human race

A New Year’s Eve Prayer

Dear God, thank You for making
all things new.