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In Your Hands

Dear Lord much of what is going on in my life
seems to be of no use.

I Give Myself to You

I, a faithless sinner -
renew and ratify today in your hands,
O Immaculate Mother,

Prayer to the Spirit of God

Breath in me, Spirit of God,
that I may think what is holy;
drive me, Spirit of God,

Our Most Chosen Mother

O Mary, grant that this church of Christ,
in defining itself, will acknowledge you

Prayer in Time of Suffering

Behold me, my beloved Jesus,
weighed down under the burden

Your Unspeakable Mercy

Show us, we ask You, O Lord,
in Your clemency, Your unspeakable mercy,

Help Me Do Your Work

Sometimes I am amazed, Lord, at the people
you have chosen to do your work.

Prayer to St. Matthew

 Glorious St. Matthew
through the grace of God,

Who Opened My Eyes and Shaped Me?

On Monday morning, September 26, 2016, Sr. Anny, a St.

My God, I Love You

O My God,
I love you above all things,
with my whole heart and soul,