Dear Lord much of what is going on in my life seems to be of no use.
I, a faithless sinner -renew and ratify today in your hands,O Immaculate Mother,
Breath in me, Spirit of God,that I may think what is holy;drive me, Spirit of God,
O Mary, grant that this church of Christ,in defining itself, will acknowledge you
Behold me, my beloved Jesus,weighed down under the burden
Show us, we ask You, O Lord,in Your clemency, Your unspeakable mercy,
Sometimes I am amazed, Lord, at the people you have chosen to do your work.
Glorious St. Matthewthrough the grace of God,
On Monday morning, September 26, 2016, Sr. Anny, a St.
O My God,I love you above all things,with my whole heart and soul,