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Glorious St. Raymond

Glorious St. Raymond,
filled with compassion for those who invoke you

O Holy Spirit, Creator

O Holy Spirit, Creator,
mercifully assist Your Catholic Church,

Guide Me with Your Love

Dear Jesus, 
I am attentive to my immediate surroundings 

O Jesus, Living in Us

O Jesus, living in Mary,
come and live in us,
in the spirit of Your holiness,

Give Yourself to Me

Give me Yourself, O my God,
give Yourself to me.
Behold I love You,

Take a Deep Breath

Pause. Take a deep breath.

Dear St. Monica

Dear Saint Monica,
once the sorrowing mother of a wayward son,

Learning from Those with Least

Chileans are hardworking people. Mothers and fathers instill their work ethic in their children from an early age, in many families that I have…

O Black Madonna

O Black Madonna, our Mother,
and Queen of our nation!

Martyr for Christ

Holy St Genesius, martyr for Christ,
by the grace of the Holy Spirit