I should be too ungrateful, O my Jesus,if I loved You but little, after so many graces.
Blessed Saint Joseph, your intercession can make possible impossible things,
“I’m the last of the Wanaurnys in the USA” …. a chuckle …. “and maybe the last in the entire world!” Th is was how Fr. John Wanaurny mused from…
Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,We recommend to You all persons dear to us.
O great apostle of Ireland, glorious Saint Patrick,
Father in Heaven, You made me Your childand called me to walk in the Light of Christ.
O Mary, Mother of grace and of mercy,defend us against the wicked spirit,
O Lord, I pray for the grace and the strengthto remain faithful to Your teachings
Dear Jesus, Days grow longer and hopefully a bit warmer.
On Saturday, August 19, 2023, Deacon Vincent Tawake CM was ordained priest by the Archbishop of Suva, Dr. Peter Loi Chong. Some 30 priests…