Gracious God, as we celebrate Labor Day,
O Tender Mother of the afflicted!Grant me under my present necessities
Most lovable Mother Mary,our Father in Heaven created you with delight.
Today I escaped from my Hindi studies to visit two veteran French missionaries, Frs. Cocereau and Debois at Naililili mission station. I was…
Recently we had a Mass at the Home of Compassion for the Fiji community of the greater Wellington area. It was a wonderful occasion during which…
I have been working in the Community Living Services of the St. Joseph Social Service Welfare Foundation Center in Hsinchu (Taiwan) diocese for…
Father, on the World Day of Prayer for theCare of Creation, we come before You
Mary our mother,teach us to love your Jesusas you have loved Him.
Almighty God, I thank you for your past blessings.
Most holy and immaculate Virgin,Mother of Jesus and our loving Mother,