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Finding Space for GOD

“I found the Columban missionaries through the internet,” John Paul Seung-Jun Ro recalls. He was at a crossroads in his life. Working in an…

Your Love of God

O St. Maximilian Kolbe,
inflamed by the love of God

Prayer to St. Irma Dulce

Lord our God, remember Your daughter Sister Irma,
the Blessed Sweet of the Poor,

Sacrifice to God

O great Saint Jane Frances
who, to follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit,

O Glorious St. Clare

O glorious Saint Clare!
God has given you the power
of working miracles continually,

Mother of Mercy

O loving Mary, Mother of Mercy 
and refuge of sinners,

Dear St. Teresa Benedicta

Dear St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,
child of the Day of Atonement,

Prayer to St. Dominic

O God, who has enlightened Your Church
by the eminent virtues and preaching

It's in the Box

The seafront at Ramsey on the Isle of Man boasts some impressive structures, but pride of place must go to the Catholic church. Dating from 1910,…

Holy Child Mary

Holy Child Mary of the royal house of David,
Queen of the Angels,