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The Portuguese have become a part of Rhode Island society, but not at the price of entirely losing their religious heritage.

When I was growing up in Ireland we used to hear about the bogey man – who would snatch naughty children and spirit them away.

A week-end retreat with the women
from the desolate city slum ??
delight in grass, and flowers and shrubs;
joy, to be free for two whole days

My main interfaith experiences in the Philippines were with Muslims; things in Myanmar are very different given the very large majority Buddhist population.

Church and police authorities and non-government organizations (NGOs) came together recently in the Vatican under the Santa Martha Group headed by Cardinal Vincent…

I have discovered
that a buttercup has five petals,
that several colors enliven a patch of moss
that grass comes in near-infinite variety

When I was told of the death of Asma Jahangir I thought that she may have been assassinated.

For Father Donal

Eyes clenched,
I conjure your grave,
White above Boyne grasses,
Stone processing
Like acolytes.
All questions buried,

Journalists, writers, reporters, commentators will just have to curb their passion for speaking and exposing the truth if they want to continue to live.

Archbishop Petero Mataca confirmed about 50 young people at Nabala (Fiji) today. As part of the preparation we priests had invited Beniamino, a blind dau ni vucu…

You snubbed me and the others laughed.
You were right in what you said
But were wrong in the sneering way you said it

I did a funeral in a small village near Dogoru a few months ago.