Being a part of the Filipino Catholic Community here in Taiwan is life-giving for me as a missionary. I feel so blessed to have built a close relationship with the Filipino migrant workers who are serving as volunteers in different ministries within the Church. I admire their selfless and dedicated service to God.

One of the people I know from the Filipino Catholic Community, who is truly a selfless human being, is my friend Pido. He is 31 years old and a migrant worker from Bataan, Philippines, and is a volunteer in the Hsinchu Cathedral Church. Like other migrant workers, Pido came to Taiwan because of the lack of job opportunities and low salaries in the Philippines. As the bread winner for his family, he took the courageous step of coming to a foreign land to work so he could provide a better life for his family back home. He hopes that his family will have their own business in the future so he works really hard to make that a reality. Pido truly has generous heart. I am sure that his family is so thankful to God for having him in their lives. He is a wonderful son and brother that every family could wish to hope for. He does not think about his own needs but rather the needs of his loved ones. It is not because of his obligation as a family member, but because of his great love for his family, especially his parents and grandparents, and providing for them is on of the things that brings him happiness and joy in life.
Apart from working to provide a good life for his family back home, Pido is also committed to deepening his faith and relationship with God through his service in the Church. On his day off, he spends his time and energy carrying out volunteer work and is an active member of many different ministries in Hsinchu Cathedral Church such as Lector Commentator, Education and Assistance Group (EAG), and Charismatic Community, where he serves God by sharing his skills and talents. He said that as a volunteer, he desires to get to know Jesus and His teachings more intimately, to help him grow in his faith and lead him on the right path. He is not only being formed by the Church to be a good Christian but also to be a good citizen, Pido never gets tired of sharing his gifts and talents with others.
Pido is also a remarkable cook. Sometimes he cooks and brings food to the Church to share with all the volunteers without asking anything in return. He said that it is one of his gifts from God and so he wants to share this gift with everybody. For him, it is a small gesture of kindness which gives him deep contentment in his life. Pido also shares his leadership skills in his ministries. As a leader, he is a good example for other members on how to work well and joyfully together. Serving God gives him total joy. And his joyfulness is contagious! Whenever you are with him, the work seems light and easy. He is a person that everyone enjoys being around because of his positivity and enthusiasm.
I feel so blessed and thankful for having Pido as my new friend. He is indeed an inspiration for me and for everybody who wants to serve God and others with joy. He is a true servant of God!
Columban lay missionary Reina Mosqueda lives and works in Taiwan.