We turn to you for protection,
holy Mother of God.
Listen to our prayers
and help us in our needs.
Save us from every danger,
Daily Prayer Archive
I take You, O Sacred Heart,
for the sole object of my love,
the protection of my life,
the pledge of my salvation,
the remedy of my…
My Jesus, I believe that You are present
in the Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things and I desire You in my soul.
Since I…
My dearest Mother Mary, behold me,
your child, in prayer at your feet.
Accept this Holy Rosary, which I offer you
in accordance with…
Let me be your witness.
Lord, in whatever I do and wherever I am.
Help me to be humble and accept
that I can speak your praise in my…
Lord, just a few moments with You,
a few thoughts shared between us,
the sense of Your friendship can be more healing
and refreshing…
Most lovable and popular Saint,
son of a wealthy merchant of Assisi,
you discarded earthly possessions
for the Savior you loved so dearly…
O Mary, we have exiled your Divine Son from our lives,
our councils, our education, and our families!
Come with the light of the sun
My good Angel, you come from heaven;
God has sent you to take care of me.
Oh, shelter me under your wings.
Lighten my path, direct my…
The Depths of the Love of Your Heart
Virgin full of grace,
I know that at Nazareth you lived modestly,
without requesting anything more.…
O blessed St. Jerome, our Patron and our guide,
humbly we ask that you intercede for us before God,
and that our petitions this day will be…
Blessed Saint Gabriel, Archangel, we beseech you
to intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy:
As you announced the mystery of the…
Dear Lord much of what is going on in my life
seems to be of no use.
One day is the same as the day before and on and on.
I, a faithless sinner -
renew and ratify today in your hands,
O Immaculate Mother,
the vows of my Baptism;
I renounce forever Satan,…