Almighty God, our Creator and Guide,
You chose St. Aidan to establish a church at Ferns
and to preach the Good News of your son, Jesus…
Daily Prayer Archive
Lord, We are Your people,
the sheep of Your flock.
Heal the sheep who are wounded,
Touch the sheep who are in pain,
Clean the sheep…
St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of students,
I thank God for the gifts of light and knowledge
He bestowed on you, which you used
to build up…
Most merciful Jesus,
from now on I want whatever You want.
I have made up my mind to avoid all sin
and to follow You with bravery and…
Most Gracious God,
Bless all Catholic school teachers and help them
to nurture the faith of our children.
Give them the wisdom to pass…
O Lord, You struck Saul, a persecutor of Your Church,
with a blinding light and transformed him
into Your faithful apostle, Paul.
O Blessed Francis de Sales,
who in your mortal life excelled in all virtues,
especially in the love of God and of neighbor,
I earnestly…
O Immaculate Mother,
Help us to be involved with those activities
which promotes the catholic apostolate
for the revival of faith…
Dear Jesus,
I need You to remind me to be open to others,
to be ready to share my time and resources.
Perhaps the…
St. Agnes, you refused to give up your faith;
help us to be proud of our faith,
to love it, to be strong in it,
and to give witness to it…
Dear Lord, I come to You plainly.
I don't bring perfect, polished prayers
that have flowery language.
Just me, plain and simple…
Turn Your ear to me, O Father, and hear what I say.
Show the evidence of Your faithful love,
Savior of those who hope in Your strength…
Eternal Father,
we praise You for sending Your Son
to be one of us and to save us.
Look upon Your people with mercy,
for we are…
O God, who by the marvelous protection
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
has strengthened us firmly in hope,
grant we beseech You,
that by…