Dear Jesus,
You have given us the ability to see and hear.
Help us to be attentive to Your presence in the events of life.…
Daily Prayer Archive
Oh, Immaculate Heart!
Help us to conquer the menace of evil,
which so easily takes root in the hearts
of the people of today, and whose…
Creator Spirit, come and visit the souls that are Yours:
Fill the hearts that You created with heavenly grace.
Kindle a light in our…
God our Father, You reveal that
those who work for peace
will be called Your children.
Through the prayers of St. Andrew Corsini,
Lord, Your light gives us strength
and shows us the way to God.
Remove my blindness that I may
see the light of goodness, peace and…
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
You rightfully choose Your servant St. Manuel
to be the Apostle of Your Abandoned Tabernacles.
He devoted his…
O Holy Name of Jesus, source of all grace and love,
we adore and praise You.
May Your name be hallowed, Your kingdom come,
Your will…
God our Father,
give us an appreciation of the many gifts
You have given us during the past year.
Help us bless You in return during the…
O Mary, Mother of God,
You are the dawn that heralds the rising sun,
the vessel chosen to bear the Savior of the world.
We entrust…
Lord, Your Word is eternal, dynamic,
and gives meaning to my life.
Increase my desire to spend time with You
in the Mass and sacred…
Heavenly Father, You share with me
Your abundant grace and power.
Show me Your will for me as I learn to do
great wonders in small…
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth,
we bless and venerate you.
We commend to your care and protection
the cause of…
O Lord, today we remember the slaughter
of the holy innocents in Bethlehem by King Herod.
May their sacrifice inspire us to protect
O my dear St. John the Apostle,
I renew to the Lord, through you,
the holy resolutions which I have frequently made
of intending to love…