O my Divine Jesus,
how shall I tell You thanks
for the goodness in giving Yourself to me?
The only way I can repay Your love
is by…
Daily Prayer Archive
Lord, thank You for walking with us through the seasons of our lives.
For beautiful autumn days as leaves fall to seed new growth.
For the…
Dear Jesus, in reflecting on All Saints and All Souls Feast Days,
I recall St. Thomas More’s prayer, “Pray for me as I for thee
that we…
You are, O great St. Charles Borromeo,
among all the Saints of God,
one in whose intercession I should most confide,
because God chose…
Most fatherly St. Malachy of Armagh,
enkindle the hearts of bishops and priests
that, aided by your patronage and example,
they may labor…
Eternal rest grant unto them,
whose earthly lives are past.
Let perpetual light shine down on them;
may they rest in peace at last.
O Lord, our God, who has enriched the Church
with a glorious company of saints,
we give You thanks for their example and their prayers.…
Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Halloween,
may we remember the power of darkness
and the light of Your love.
Help us to see what is…
Out of the depths I cry,
Lord, please heed my voice!
Look, Lord, how I sigh
To hear You and rejoice.
Out of the depths I call,…
O Mary, Mother of God
as you are above all creatures
in Heaven and Earth,
more glorious than the Cherubim,
more noble than any here…
Glorious Apostle St. Jude,
True relative Of Jesus and Mary,
and patron of hopeless cases,
I salute you through
this Sacred Heart of…
O Jesus, come back into our society,
our family life, our souls
and reign there as our peaceful sovereign.
Enlighten with the splendor of…
O Immaculate Virgin,
Mother of God, full of grace,
the One whom you brought forth,
Emmanuel, is the fruit of your womb. …
O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your…