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Daily Prayer Archive

Loving God, give us a spirit of praise, 
like the spirit of Mary, 
a spirit that knows how to marvel at Your love 

O, Lord, remember us in our desire to live out
Your purpose for us in creation.
Fill us with comradeship, loyalty, humility,

God, do You see me?
Do You know I am here?
I feel as if You have abandoned me or are unaware.
Even my loved ones and friends don't keep…

O God, Who in order that slaves might know Your Name,
You endowed St. Peter Claver, Your confessor,
with wonderful self-denial and eminent…

O Tender Mother of the afflicted!
Grant me that special protection You have promised
to those who devoutly commemorate this ineffable joy.…

O Mary, Mother of Mercy,
watch over all people,
that the Cross of Christ
may not be emptied of its power,
that man may not stray from…

Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Heart of my Mother,
I unite to your purity, your sanctity,
your zeal and your love,
all my thoughts, words…

Blessed God, in the midst
of serious political and economic challenges
at home and throughout the world,
we pray that Your abundant…

Father in heaven,
We thank You for the communion of saints
so that we can draw near to You
through the prayers of St. Rosalia.

It is only right,
with all the powers of our hearts and minds,
to praise You Father and Your Only-Begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ.…

God, in your goodness,
You have made a home for the worker.
Make a place in our hearts for compassion
for the men and women who labor…

O God,
from the very beginning of time
You commanded the earth to bring forth vegetation
and every fruit of every kind.
You provide…

Glorious St. Raymond,
filled with compassion for those who invoke you
and with love for those who suffer heavy burdens
with the weight of…

O Holy Spirit, Creator,
mercifully assist Your Catholic Church,
and by Your heavenly power strengthen
and establish her against the…