Mary, Star of the Sea, light of every ocean,
guide seafarers across all dark and stormy seas
that they may reach the haven of peace and…
Daily Prayer Archive
O Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son,
establish yourself as a furnace of love
in the center of our hearts
and bear constantly…
Provident God,
You whom Emilie came to know early in her life,
open our eyes to the light of Your presence and,
following her example,…
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
for whom it is impossible
not to have compassion on the afflicted,
have pity on us miserable sinners
O Dear St. Therese de Lisieux, Little Flower of Jesus,
now that you see the crucified Jesus in heaven,
still bearing the wounds caused by…
O blessed Saint Matthew, once a tax collector,
now a beloved apostle of Jesus, pray for us.
You were called from a worldly life to follow…
My Lord and my God!
I offer up to You my petition
in union with the bitter passion
and death of Jesus Christ, Your Son,
together with…
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino,
you experienced no love in your family
and were considered of little account
by all who knew you.
We pray…
Dear Jesus,
At times I get feeling frustrated.
A device doesn’t work.
I have to wait a long time for an appointment.
A plan falls…
Mary, my Mother, you stand in the presence
of your Son, interceding for sinners.
You are truly the pledge of Divine mercy.
Be merciful…
Our Lady of Sorrows,
the eyes of a child are an infinite well
of life, hope and goodness.
If you doubt the value of life,
look into…
Jesus, who because of Your burning love for us
willed to be crucified and to shed
Your Most Precious Blood for the redemption
O glorious Saint John Chrysostom,
renowned for your golden tongue
and your fervent preaching,
intercede for us before the throne of…