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Daily Prayer Archive

O Jesus, living in Mary,
come and live in us,
in the spirit of Your holiness,
in the plenitude of Your gifts,
in the perfection of…

Give me Yourself, O my God,
give Yourself to me.
Behold I love You,
and if my love is too weak a thing,
grant me to love You more…

Dear Saint Monica,
once the sorrowing mother of a wayward son,
be pleased to present our petition
to the Lord God of heaven and earth.…

O Black Madonna, our Mother,
and Queen of our nation!
Trusting in Your maternal goodness
and powerful intercession with Your Son,

Holy St Genesius, martyr for Christ,
by the grace of the Holy Spirit
through your acting, you came to discover
the truth of the Christian…

Most Holy and adorable Trinity,
one God in three Persons,
I praise you and give you thanks
for all the favors you have bestowed on me.…

O glorious St. Rose of Lima,
you who knew the sweetness of divine love
and dedicated your life to the service
of the poor and the…

Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland,
you gave hope to your people in a time of distress,
and comforted them in sorrow.

Help me to…

Glorious Pontiff, Saint Pius the X,
devoted servant of Our Lord
and loving child of Mary,
I invoke you as a saint in Heaven.

Heavenly Father, we Your followers live in an in-between world.
We know by Faith of Your victory over sin and death
through Your Life,…

O good cross,
made beautiful by the body of the Lord,
long have I desired you,
ardently have I loved you,
unceasingly have I sought…

Lord, help me to speak the truth in front of the strong
and not say lies to gain the applause of the weak.

If you give me fortune, don’t…

O almighty and eternal God, thanks to your grace,
Saint Hyacinth renewed and strengthened numerous nations
through the persistent…

O Blessed St. Roch, patron of the sick,
Have pity on those who lie upon
a bed of suffering.

Your power was so great
when you…