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Daily Prayer Archive

Lord Jesus Christ, You have destroyed 
the power of death and given the hope 
of eternal life in body and soul.

You granted…

O my God, teach me to receive the sick in Your Name.
Give to my efforts success for the glory of Your Holy Name.
It is Your work; without…

Christ is Risen: The world below lies desolate
Christ is Risen: The spirits of evil are fallen
Christ is Risen: The angels of God are…

O Glorious Saint Jane Frances,
who by your fervent prayer,
attention to the Divine Presence,
and purity of intention in your actions,

O most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
we praise Your Holy Name
and the wonders of grace
You worked in Your servant, Saint…

Jesus crucified, I thank You as my best Friend,
who laid down Your life
as proof of the greatest love possible.

I ask pardon for…

Lord God Almighty,
who safely brought us to the beginning of this day,
defend us in the same by Your mighty power,
that this day we may…

O Holy Priest of God
and glorious Patriarch, St. Dominic,
you were the friend, the well-beloved son
and confidant of the Queen of Heaven…

Dear Jesus,
At times we get caught up in the tasks of doing things.
The busyness of our lives may harden us.
We act as if our value and…

Dear Jesus, when You were transfigured on the mountaintop,
You revealed Your divinity to the three Apostles
who accompanied You.

All holy, most blessed and glorious Mary,
Mother of God, Our Lady of Pochaev, and our Mother!
We come to you today.
We turn ourselves to…

Jesus, Good Shepherd,
You sent us the Holy Spirit to guide Your Church
and lead her faithful to You through the ministry of Your priests.…

St. John Marie Vianney
you were born of a deeply religious mother;
from her, you received the Holy Faith;
you learned to love God and to…

Our Father Who art in Heaven
In the heaven of the Eucharist,
to You Who are seated
on the throne of grace and love,
be benediction and…