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Daily Prayer Archive

Father, Your love is as wide as the oceans
As deep as the sea and as tall as the heavens.
May your spirit rise like a mighty wave

O holy protector of those who are in greatest need,
O you who shine as a star of hope
in darkness, blessed Saint Rita,
bright mirror of…

St. Eugene De Mazenod,
Patron Saint of Dysfunctional Families,
come to the aid of all families who suffer brokenness,

I adore You, O my God,
and I love You with all my heart.
I give You thanks for creating me,
making me a Christian,
and preserving me…

My soul glorifies the Lord,
Henceforth all ages will call me Blessed.
The Almighty works marvel for me:
Holy is His name.


Lord God Almighty,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus,
who with utmost zeal took upon himself,
in the foundation of a religious…

Angel-guardians of men,
spirits and powers we sing,
whom our Father has sent,
aids to our weak frame,
heavenly friends and guides,

Dear Saint Brendan,
to mention your name is to recall much traveling.
It was through your voyages
that you emerged as a popular Saint.…

O God, we humbly ask You
through Your servant, St. Dymphna,
who sealed with her blood
the love she bore You,
to grant relief to those…

Courageous martyr of God,
glorious St. Boniface:
if once so miserable and weak,
you knew how to obtain the aid
which the liberal hand…

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore You profoundly.
I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul
and Divinity…

O Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
the glory of Christians,
the joy of the universal Church,
and the hope of the…

Lord Jesus Christ,
most merciful Savior of the world,
we humbly ask You,
by Your most Sacred Heart,
that all the sheep who stray out…

Dear St Damien,
in Hawaii, you worked tirelessly,
caring for the physical, medical
and spiritual needs of those suffering