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Daily Prayer Archive

O Lord, by this most holy mystery of Your Body and Blood, 
whereby we are daily fed, and cleansed, 
and sanctified in Your…

Bring Us Life

God our Father, 
may we always profit by the prayers 
of the Virgin Mother Mary, 
for You bring us life…

Living Temple

Father, may I always remember
that all the parts of my body are good because you made them,
that my body does not belong to…

God Be Praised

May the most holy,
most sacred,
most adorable,
most mysterious and unutterable name of God
be always praised,…

Independence Day Prayer

Lord, we stand today as our forefathers have stood before You in times gone by,
Celebrating our history and reveling…

Guide Our Nation

We thank You, O heavenly Father, 
for the guidance given to our Founding Fathers 
in recognizing that "all men…

Like Your Son

Lord, bless this day for me and for all of us. 
Make it a day in which we grow more like Your Son, 
our Lord Jesus…

During this day, 
may I become a more thoughtful person, 
a more prayerful, 
generous and kind person. 

Almighty God, I thank you for your past blessings.
Today I offer myself - whatever I do, say, or think -
to your loving care.

By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
Queen of Peace, set up Your kingdom in our country. 
Enter closely into the midst of our…

Most sweet Jesus, 
humbly kneeling at Your feet, 
we renew the consecration of our family to Thy Divine Heart. 
Be our…

My dear Redeemer,
it is not from custom or human respect 
that I come to receive You;
but it is solely to love and be united with…

I hope to love You for all eternity. O Eternal God! 
Oh that I had always loved You! 
Oh that I had died rather than have…

Gracious and Holy Father,
Please give me:
intellect to understand you,
reason to discern you,
diligence to seek you,
wisdom to…