O Lord, Your grace has achieved for us all that You had spoken and promised. Grant us access to the place of Your peace. Blessed are we, O Lord,…
Daily Prayer Archive
Father, we are filled with the new light by the coming of your Word among us. May the light of faith shine in our words and actions. Grant this…
O Jesus, sweet Jesus, O Jesus divine, My life and my death to You I give. Every action of mine shall Your patronage claim; For whatever I do shall…
Lord Jesus, lifted up on the Cross You offered yourself for us all. Your wounds for our healing, Your sufferings for our faults, Your agony for…
Faithful Shepherd, You are not a hireling who runs away at the sight of danger, but Your fidelity was tested and proven on the wood of the Cross.…
Good Morning God! You are ushering in another day, untouched and freshly new. So here I am to ask you, God, if You'll renew me too. Forgive the…
Lord God, we praise you for creating man, and still more for restoring him in Christ. Your Son shared our weakness; may we share his glory, for he…
Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and…
Saint Lucy, whose beautiful name signifies light, by the light of faith which God bestowed upon you increase and preserve His light in my soul so…
O Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, look upon us with pity, teach is to go continually to Jesus, and if we fall help us to rise again…
bLord our God, the heavens are the work of your hands, the moon and the stars you made; the earth and the sea, and every living creature came into…
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing…
Father in Heaven, You have blessed us with many gifts. You chose us before the world began, To be Your adopted sons and daughters, And to live…
O most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore your powerful intercession. O most Holy Mother, receive my…