Almighty and Eternal God, Give me, I beseech You, the great gift of inward peace. Command the winds and storms of my unruly passions. Subdue, by…
Daily Prayer Archive
O Lord Jesus Christ, in presenting ourselves before Your adorable Face to ask of You the graces of which we stand most in need, we beseech You…
My soul, dilate my heart; my Jesus loves me ardently. I hope for great favors from the Lord, Who comes to me with love. Yes, my Jesus, my hope, I…
O my God! I love You, with my whole heart and soul, and above all things, because You are infinitely good and perfect, and most worthy of all my…
Absolute and all knowing God, Nothing is hidden from Your sight. In the prescience since the beginning, All knowledge existed within You. Kindly…
O Lord Jesus Christ, who gave us your Mother Mary, whose renowned image we venerate, to be a Mother ever ready to help us; grant we beseech You,…
Dear Jesus, Difficulties, pain, limitations are part of life but not the heart of life. Some days I find them hard to bear. Your friendship helps…
Lord Jesus Christ, You gave your life out of love for all people, help me to believe that Christian love is the greatest power in the world. Let…
Almighty God, our Father, you who have given us life and intended us to have it forever, grant us your blessings. Enlighten our minds to an…
My Lord, I offer you my thoughts: to be fixed on you; My words: to have you for their theme; My actions: to reflect my love for you; My sufferings…
O Lord, it is through the examples of the Divine model of Nazareth that the Christian family is to be restored in Jesus Christ and to recover its…
O Lord, God of goodness and mercy, Who in the midst of an evil and sinful world hast presented to the society of the redeemed the Holy Family of…
O Immaculate Virgin of Lourdes, dispel the shadows of error from our minds with the light of Faith. O mystical Rose, comfort dejected souls with…
O Little St. Agnes, so young and yet made so strong and wise by the power of God, protect by your prayers all the young people of every place…