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Daily Prayer Archive

As a bird flies naturally, Without having to think, Without being conscious Of what it is doing, Simply enjoying the moment, So I wish, Lord, To…

In the day-to-day routine of life I take my friends for granted. I expect them to be good to me Even when I’m in a miserable mood. But when I’m…

Bless our home, Lord. May your love surround it, To protect us, May your peace fill it To refresh us, May your Spirit dwell in it To comfort us.…

Even when I show you The thorny side of my character, Or when I’m sharp, Unloving to those I love, Unapproachable, Or in a bad mood, You still…

There are times When my faith feels fragile, As delicate As the petals of a poppy Which fall apart At the slightest touch. Treat me gently, Lord,…

Jesus, we know you are calling us to follow you just as you called your first disciples. You need us. You want us to be your hands, your feet and…

Dear Jesus, You said “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” At times my heart may be hardened by the busyness of the day,…

Dear Jesus, Your loving mercy touches our hearts and gives us new life. Your example challenges us to be merciful in turn. While forgiving forms…

Lord, For all the doctors and nurses, for all family, friends, and neighbours for all who care about me when I’m down I ask your blessing upon…

Lord, I ask your blessing upon me at this time of illness, that you may bring good out of all my sufferings in mind, body, or soul. I ask your…

Lord, you light my way when all grows dark, when I grow anxious or confused. You are my solace at night my comfort when I’m down, my light, my…

Lord, when illness strikes my life seems to collapse around me. The work routine crumbles away, and everything’s just a heap of ruins. Yet, Lord,…

When I see flowers fresh in bloom sprung to life in spring thrill after the dark night’s Winter chill, I think of the miracle of life and how…

Remember, God Loves You When sickness is on you, and health takes a blow when joys all desert you and energy’s low. Remember, God loves you. When…