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Daily Prayer Archive

Mary, Mother of God, I turn to you
in all my pressing needs and difficulties
as to a most sure refuge.
I implore the help of your…

Mary, Queen Assumed into Heaven,
I rejoice that after years of heroic martyrdom on earth,
you have at last been taken to the throne

O good and dearest Jesus,
I kneel before Your face.
With all my heart
I ask You to place in my heart
more faith, hope and charity.

O God, who by the preaching
and teaching of Saint John Chrysostom
has given us an example of fortitude
in the face of persecution and…

O Almighty God, who sees Your servants
earnestly desirous of placing themselves
under the shadow of the name and protection
of the…

Loving God, give us a spirit of praise,
like the spirit of Mary,
a spirit that knows how to marvel at Your love
and which finds its…

It was You, O God, who commanded us
to honor our father and mother.
In Your kindness have mercy
on the souls of our parents,

Jesus, loving companion of Your children,
You have extended Your friendship to all.
You opened Your arms without discrimination,

O God, You called St. Peter Claver,
to minister to the slaves of West Africa 
that he might help them survive, and 
blessed him…

Most lovable Mother Mary,
our Father in Heaven created you with delight.
You are His creature whom He made worthy
to become the holy…

Bless the Lord, all you His angels.
You who are mighty in strength and do His will,
intercede for me at the throne of God.
By your…

Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
the great things the Lord has done for you;
He chose you for His mother,
He wanted you close to…

O Saint Teresa of Calcutta, 
Jesus called you to bring the light of His love 
to those who live in darkness. 
By tender,…

Gracious God, as we celebrate Labor Day,
we lift our hearts in thanks for the gift of work
and the opportunities it brings to grow,…