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Daily Prayer Archive

O Mary, help me to keep to my purpose of living
as a faithful disciple of Jesus,
for the building up of the Christian society
and the…

It becomes you to be mindful of us,
as you stand near Him who granted you all graces,
for you are the Mother of God and our Queen.

Across time and tide, my Lord,
You have shown faithfulness and goodness.
You smiled at me each day in and out.
I thank You, my Lord,…

It is summer and we are still suffering under the COVID epidemic. 
Lord help us to take the time to be silent and prayerful

O humble St. Justin, patron of philosophers,
help us to use our power to know and understand;
to build a love of Christ within us based

Father in heaven, by whose grace
the virgin mother of your incarnate Son
was blessed in bearing him,
but still more blessed in keeping…

The Father is my hope.
The Son is my refuge.
The Holy Spirit is my protector.
Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity,
now and forever…

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the witness of Your Servant,
Saint Paul VI, who served You and the Church
as Universal Pastor in…

Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love
and bring us a cure for the Covid-19 virus.

Strengthen those who…

Watch O Lord, with those
who cannot sleep or weep tonight.
Tend your sick ones.
Rest your weary ones.
Bless your dying ones.

O Holy St. Philip Neri, Patron Saint of joy,
you who trusted Scripture’s promise
that the Lord is always at hand
and that we need not…

Venerable Saint Bede, Patron of Catholic schools,
thank you for being an example of holiness, goodness, and wisdom.
Thank you for inspiring…

O Mother of Jesus,
now glorified in heaven in body and in soul,
as the image and beginning of the Church,
which is to have its…

Come, Holy Spirit,
fill my heart with Your holy gifts.
Let my weakness be penetrated with Your strength this very day
that I may fulfill…