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Music Eases My Journey

Learning a new language is really difficult.

Creating Bridges

As he ends his tenure as Columban Superior General, Fr. Kevin O'Neill, shares that the 2018 centennial was an opportunity to look to the past with…

Hope Center Reflections

I have just completed three months of pastoral work. Every Saturday I went to the Hope Center in Myitkyina. It is where HIV/AIDS patients are…

Bartimaeus, the Blind Beggar

Bartimaeus, a beggar, was sitting on the roadside, outside Jericho, blind, begging, isolated, speechless, mute. When he heard that Jesus of…

In the Light of the Gospel

I suppose what really attracted me to become an associate with the Society of St. Columban as a lay volunteer was  conviction and commitment…

A Parable from the East

Once upon a time a young prince has an extensive and beautiful garden. Above all he loved “Bamboo’’ in his grove and used to visit him frequently…

They All Sound the Same!

I have been studying the Fijian language for almost three months now.

The Immensity of God

Recently I have been fascinated by the news of two black holes circling each other and heading to

Koroqaqa Community

On February 20, 2016, the strongest tropical storm to hit the South Pacific region converged on the nation of Fiji. With winds reaching 185 mph,…

A Grandfather's Legacy

As we Columbans enter into our second century of mission to the world, I would not have imagined