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Hope and Life

As I was preparing to move from Sydney to Melbourne to take up the new role of Regional Director

Create in Me a Clean Heart

On May 23, 2017, I returned home after three years of being away.

Rediscovering Mission

At the beginning the primary task was to get a mastery of the Korean language. After that we went to work in parishes; that was our big apostolate…

The Road to New Friendships

Good morning! These are two words that made a big difference in my missionary journey in Taiwan.

My Return to Chile

After a happy six year break back in Australia as editor of The Far East magazine and working in

A Half Century of Change

When did you arrive in Korea?

I came here on October 2, 1969.

What were the Columbans doing there at the time you arrived? It was…

Battling HIV Devastation in Myanmar

In mid-September 2017, a family of three, Aik Ket aged 30 years old, his wife San Bu, also 30 yea

Simple Things Matter Too

I am from Kwangju in Korea. I had been teaching for a number of years when I heard about the Columban Lay Missionary program and decided to attend…


Ramadan is the Holy Month for Muslims. This takes place during the ninth lunar month of Ramadan.

In Thanksgiving

They are remembered every day. They are prayed for at Mass, at the Divine Office, during community prayers. Many have died but they are never…