“Wa Jau ngai hpe hkan ya rit.” “Father come and follow me.
O Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church,to you we entrust our life.
Lord, I made a vow to my spouse and to You. It was never my desire to undo this vow.
Dear St Josephine, you were taken from your family at an early age
Recently I found myself really enjoying catching up on developments in the Columban world. I realized I had not been contributing anything about…
O God, You were pleased to institute by heavenly direction,
Holy Spirit, Divine Consoler,I adore You as my true God,
There are no accidents. Twin brothers Kevin and Peter O’Neill were born on 23 November, the feast of St Columban, in 1962. In 1962, their parents…
O Saint Agatha, who withstood the unwelcome advances
O Lord, on this day, You miraculously protectedand preserved the image of the Mother