I woke up scared. I didn’t want to get out of the bed. I was due to begin a 3-day workshop on intercultural living with the Columban priests…
Baptized and confirmed, in your word formed, disciple and missionary it is the gift of your calling. You make me go through…
I remember many years ago, around 1979, I was up in the village of Navala, in the parish of Ba, Fiji. In those days, the village had a population…
Lord, bless us in our reflections and ideas:No matter the doubts they are seeds
Over a hundred years ago, a small group of Irish priests working in China decided they needed to listen to what God wanted them to do. These men…
I am Irma Lara Cantago, a Columban lay missionary for many years. A high school teacher by profession, I was teaching for fifteen years and at the…
O Glorious St. Brigid,Patroness of Ireland and Mother of the Church,
St John Bosco, who loved Christ in the Blessed Sacrament so deeply
Holy Mary,help those in need,give strength to the weak,comfort the sorrowful,
In high school, English grammar was never my thing! Years later, in writing my theology thesis, my director advised me to re-write the text…