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Prayer to St. Angela of Foligno

St. Angela, you led a life of selfishness
and sin before making a confession

Prayer for the Epiphany

O holy Magi,
you were living in continual expectation

Prayer to St. John Neumann

St. John Neumann, obtain for me from the Father,
through the merits of Jesus Christ,

Weekly Prayer - Power of Prayer

God, open up our hearts to be filled with love.  

Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Oh, God our Father,
glorify here upon earth your servant,
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,

Most Holy Name of Jesus

O Eternal Father, as we venerate
the Most Holy Name of Jesus,

The Holy Name of Jesus

Today I remember my mother. As a woman of tolerance, she could put up with a lot of things she did not agree with. But there was one thing she…

They All Sound the Same!

I had been studying the Fijian language for almost three months. It was great to have a chance to learn the Fijian language and culture after…


My name is Alvaro Martinez, and I am a Columban priest who has always been fascinated by photography. Through my experiences with photography, I…

Mary Queen of the Apostles

O God, You sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,