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Weekly Prayer Archive

Grant, O merciful God, that your Church,
being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit,
may show forth your power among all peoples,
to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.  



Almighty God, you have given your only Son
to be for us a sacrifice for sin,
and also an example of godly life:
Give us grace to receive thankfully
he fruits of his redeeming work, and to follow
daily in the blessed steps of his most holy life;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. 


Grant to us, Lord, we pray,
the spirit to think and do always
those things that are right, that we,
who cannot exist without You, may by You,
be enabled to live according to your will;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


Let your continual mercy, O Lord,
cleanse and defend your Church;
and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help,
protect and govern it always by your goodness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Heavenly Father, may your holiness purify me,
your wisdom direct me,
your power sustain me,
your mercy forgive me,
your patience bear with me and
your love prepare me,
call me and receive me forever.

I offer You, O Lord, my whole life, my memory,
my understanding and my whole will.
You have given them all to me: now I give them back to You.
Give me only Your love and Your grace.
With these I will be rich enough and will have no more to ask.

Come summer with me, Lord;
summer deep down in my soul;
restore my faith in summer’s time,
in rest, in joy, in play, in you.

Summer in my heart, Lord,
and dwell there as if time would never end,
as if all time were children’s time, eternal time
when school is always out and joy is ever in.

And Let others summer in my shade, Lord,
and share whatever summer’s peace is mine to give,
whatever summer’s light is mine to shed,
whatever summer’s warmth is mine to share.

Good God of every season and every day this week,
come summer with me, Lord, and let the child in my heart
spend this summer in your love.


My Lord and My God, I am happy to acknowledge
that I came from Your hands, that I depend on You
for everything in time and eternity.
Help me to live so that I may honor
You more and more daily and die in Your love.

My Jesus, I love You.
I know that you “loved me and delivered Yourself for me."
I know, too, that You long for my love in return.
I want to love You as You desire; to love You with my
whole mind and with all my strength.
Give me the grace to love You more
generously every day and to love,
respect and help my neighbor for love of You.

My God, I thank You
for your own great glory
for being so good in Yourself
for being so good to all of us
for being so good to me.

I thank You for dying for us
on the cross and for making
Your sacrifice present
for us in the Mass.

I thank You for being so good
as to come to me in Holy Communion.

May every thought and act of mine
be an act of thanksgiving and love.

O God, You know our every thought and desire.
Cleanse our hearts through your Holy Spirit
of all our hidden faults
so that we may love you perfectly
and praise you worthily.

I’m living now this present day.
That’s what I’m called to do today,
not dwell on problems from the past
that sadden or distract me now,
not letting me make the most of now.

Good happenings from the past can help,
like problems, dangers we’ve survived.
Remembering that brings courage, hope
to trust you, God, to get me through today.

I welcome present moment that you give,
in stream of life each on eof us does share,
these moments conscious and unconscious.

I thank you, God, that I’m alive.
Help me to be attentive to
what you reveal to be your will.
Help me to do what truly is your will.

It’s thoughts, words, deeds of love you seek
from each of us as day unfolds
as we live out this give of life today.

Help me, help all, to know and do your will.
I thank you for your blessings in the past.
Remembering them helps me to live with thankfulness today.

 - A Columban Missionary

O Jesus, I believe that in the
holy sacrament of the Eucharist You
have really and truly come into my
inmost soul to share Your divine life with me.
I believe because You have said it and Your word is true.

May Your sacred body so transform me
that no stain of sin may remain in me.
O Lord, dwell ever in my heart and from a
passing benefit become an eternal reward.

O Lord, prepare my soul to receive You.
You have said, “He who eats my flesh
and drinks my blood lives in Me and I live
in him: as I myself draw life from the Father,
so whoever eats me will draw life from me.”

I come to You now that I may draw life from You.
Let me join You in adoring and thanking
our Heavenly Father, in making reparation
for sin and begging for the graces I need to serve Him
worthily and glorify Him daily more and more.