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Weekly Prayer Archive

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, listen to our prayer.
Give us your grace to be salt and light
at this time of pandemic:
Lead us on the path of courage and kindness.
Assist us to reach out to those in need
to share your Divine Grace
with all those near and dear to us.
This our prayer through
the gift of the Holy Spirit.


 By a Columban Missionary

It seems Lord God, that You are leading me to slow down.
Now, I have more time to think and reflect.
It is the Lenten season.
So, what Lord, while this pandemic is on,
do You want me to do?
Yes, there is more time now to pray.
And yes, there is more time to reach out to friends and family.
How are they? May I be supportive to them.
Listen to them ...
It does seem now, that this is what You
are asking me, Lord, to focus on at this time.


— By a Columban Missionary

In these times, we are led to protect
ourselves and our neighbors.
Lord, strengthen us to be in solidarity
and protective of each other
Help us to live with charity and compassion.


— By a Columban Missionary

Father of love and compassion, thank you for your forbearance.
How many times have we unthinkingly prayed the words,
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Now our plans and comfort have been upended and we are not in control of our situation.
Help us rediscover our dedication to doing your holy will in every situation.

Keep us far from greed and self pity. And do not let us be indifferent to the needs of the less fortunate among us.
Our pride and complacency have suffered. May your Holy Spirit give us a truer understanding of our reality.

May our hearts swell with renewed gratitude for all the people and things we have taken for granted.
We make this prayer in Jesus’ name.


  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Dear Jesus,
Like the apostles who were in a boat on that stormy Sea of Galilee,
we are feeling alone, uncertain, tired and afraid.
Do not let waves of dread swamp us.
Do not let the howling wind of bad news drown out your voice.
Give us ears and hearts attentive to your voice when you say to us,
“Do not fear, it is I.”

  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Lord Jesus, in your own time and down through the centuries
You became known as someone who could cure people through the power of God.
We believe that you do much more than offer a physical cures.
More central to Your mission on earth is the strengthening of people’s faith in every age,
so that they may live as a people of hope.
In this season of health crisis, we need your presence.
We need your healing hand.
And our spirits need a stronger faith, fuller confidence, more trust in you and in each other.
Bless us with this gift, we pray.

  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Under your protection, O Mary, we ask your help at this time.
Under your protection, O Blessed Virgin, we are confident in times of stress.
Under your protection, O Queen of heaven, we on earth feel blessed.
Under your protection, O Mother of Jesus, we place our families in your gentle hand.
Under your protection, O Mother of Christians, we feel safe and secure.
Under your protection, O Mother of the healing Jesus, we pray for the compassion of your Son.


– By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Dear St. Joseph, 
The bible never quotes your words.
We know you through the gospels
as the protector of our Lord Jesus
and his blessed mother, Mary.

We know you by your actions and your dreams.

Help us to take action, to do all we can in this time of crisis
to lovingly keep those around us safe.
But also inspire us with dreams,
dreams of a better world,
a world of truth and justice, love and peace.


– By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Loving Lord, in this time of anxiety, give me serenity.
In this time of fear, give me confidence in You.
In this time of illness, help me preserve my health
and the health of all those around me.
In this time of social isolation, let my phone calls be
full of wisdom and compassion.
In this time of worry, give me the courage
to reaffirm my belief that
"All I know of tomorrow is that
Providence will rise before the Sun.”


– By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Dear Lord,

I have been the recipient of so much of your goodness in my life.
Please keep me open my mind and heart to receive whatever grace you wish to give me.

In this time of pandemic, it could be that you are giving me new eyes to see
how much I have been taking for granted in my daily life and how much I have
received without taking notice.

You have given me years and years of blessings.
When my friends and I emerge from this period of isolation, may we
truly treasure each person we know as a gift from You.
I pray, in the name of Jesus.


– By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Dear Lord, Jesus brought healing during his ministry on earth.
He healed the sick and brought the dead to life.
By his own death and resurrection he brings the promise,
hope and means of healing to us all.
Now we need his healing more than ever.

We need not only the healing from physical illness
brought on by the COVID-19 virus but healing for
human hearts, communities and world society.
Open our hearts that we may not turn in
on ourselves and our own needs.

Let unity, compassion and care mark us all.
Inspire us to serve the poor and abandoned.
May we use our skills in service of others.
May more fortunate countries come to the aid
of those less prosperous.

May we be concerned less about public image
but more about doing the right thing.
"This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples:
if you love one another."
 (John 13:35). 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Almighty God, You know that we have
no power in ourselves to help ourselves.
Keep us both outwardly in our bodies
and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended
from all adversities which may happen to the body,
and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


This Lent, Lord, help me leave behind the distractions
of my daily life and make this a time of spiritual retreat,
of letting go all that holds me back from taking the risk
of drawing closer to You, allowing Your Spirit to lead me,
and speak to my heart.

Forty days, or four, or forth minutes or four!
Whatever I can manage!
The time spent is not the key, I know,
but my willingness to look into my frailty,
and they to trust in You and to seek Your will for me.


O God, whose glory is always to have mercy: Be gracious
to all who have gone astray from Your ways,
and bring them again with penitent hearts
and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast
the unchangeable truth of Your Word,
Jesus Christ Your Son; who with You and the Holy Spirit
lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.
