Sometimes I am amazed, Lord, at the people
you have chosen to do your work.
But you see beyond the superficial to the hidden goodness
and abilities of the people you have made in your image.
Help me to accept the gifts you have bestowed on me
and to offer them to others.
It would be a shame if out of a false sense of humility
I did not offer to others what you have so generously given me.
Lord give me the courage to give of myself to others today.
Weekly Prayer Archive
Lord your words are spirit and life.
They give me the strength and wisdom I need
to be open to all the possibilities
that I will encounter today.
Help me to witness to your goodness
and kindness to those I meet today.
You have given me and them the grace we need
to bring our families and communities closer to you.
May we be open to hearing your word and allowing
your Spirit to guide and nourish us today.
As we read in Scripture God’s call may not come
in an earthquake or a fire or some other spectacular event.
God’s call most often comes in the gentle breeze.
God whispers.
God most often does not shout.
Lord, give me the patience to be silent and peaceful and listen.
Allow me to repeat the words of the prophet,
“Speak Lord for your servant is listening.”
You have a special thought and message for me today.
— By a Columban Missionary
Dear Lord much of what is going on
in my life seems to be of no use.
One day is the same as the day before and on and on.
Sometimes I wonder where it is all going.
But then I realize that if I simply place it all
in your hands you will make sense of it all.
You have placed me here and now
for some specific purpose.
Doing what you want will bring happiness
beyond what I would have thought possible.
— By a Columban Missionary
While we endure this time of the virus
we might forget the gift of life You have given us.
Trials test but strengthen our faith.
You have promised that if we ask we shall receive.
We ask that we might do Your will.
We are confident that this crisis will bring
a deeper appreciation of the fullness of life
that you have promised to those who place
their trust in You.
— By a Columban Missionary
At a time like this, the prayer, “hearken to our prayer
and attend to the sound of our pleading”, is most appropriate.
We are praying that we be relieved of the effects
of the pandemic and the stress it has caused.
We are pleading for Your healing presence in the lives
of all of us especially those who have sacrificed
so much by their service to the suffering.
— By a Columban Missionary
I admit, Lord, that often I wonder "why the pandemic".
But I believe in you and your fidelity.
Comfort me with the hope that gives me
the strength to know that you are with me
during the times of crisis in my life.
I know that even in the direst of times
you will rise up and save me.
— By a Columban Missionary
Fires and floods and climate disasters are all around us.
And then there is the virus.
I can’t help but wonder if you, Lord, have not abandoned us.
I know you haven’t but still I wonder.
But You are our shelter and our home.
We pray that you will heal us and help us to protect
the wonderful home that you have given us.
— By a Columban Missionary
Sometimes I wonder, Lord, why you allow so much evil in our world.
I wonder now why in this pandemic there is so much suffering.
But, of course, I remember how you suffered to forgive us
so that we might share in the life you promised.
Enable me to imitate your patience,
and accept with confidence, that you promised life
to the full even in the midst of suffering.
— By a Columban Missionary
Good and Gracious God,
We thank you for the resilience
and grace that you have given us
to bear this time of Covid virus.
Lord help us to lean on your goodness
in times of suffering and isolation
so that we may be aware of others and serve them.
We make this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Savior.
— By a Columban Missionary
Lord, I wonder if this pandemic will ever end.
How long do we need to suffer it all?
How long more will you ask us to be patient?
But in the end, I know you are my refuge and my strength.
I trust in You.
Help me to hear your voice in all of this
and know that you will bring some good out of it all.
— By a Columban Missionary
We are suffering under the COVID epidemic.
Lord help us to take the time to be silent and prayerful
and know that you are with us.
Help us to be open to hearing what you are inviting us to.
We may feel that so much has been taken from us.
But when we do take the time we realize
that it is your faithfulness and generosity
that has given us so much.
It is what gives us the confidence
that you are indeed with us through it all.
— By a Columban Missionary
Jesus you have authority over all creation and all of us.
You became one of us to share in our difficulties and our hopes.
During this time of COVID, we pray that we become one with You
sharing your patience and endurance.
When we do we can be confident that we will share too
in the hope You promised to all who accept your love.
— By a Columban Missionary
Lord Jesus Christ, come and save Your people
from this pandemic.
Heal us in mind and heart.
Grant us physical, social and spiritual blessings
so that Your grace may cover the world
with goodness and love.
Lead us to hope for a way to live
which honors Your Spirit in our hearts.
Help us to learn to be closer to You, Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray this prayer in your Holy Name.
— By a Columban Missionary