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Weekly Prayer Archive

Lord, we pray that all of creation be given
the kind of protection that is given
to our national parks and marine reserves.

Help us to realize how important it is
to maintain biodiversity and protect
the habitats that plants and animals
need to survive and thrive. 

Help us to develop a deep reverence
for natural world which You have created.   


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Lord, when the scriptures are read
during mass, we acknowledge that it is Your word.
Guide us when we use the scriptures for our own prayer.
Help us to understand what it asks of us and empower us
to put into practice what we understand.


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear God, it has been said that “truth is the first causality of war”.
As we pray for the people of Ukraine, we ask that justice
and peace may prevail.
We are horrified by the daily destruction and death of civilians.
We pray that sanity may prevail and that a world, already struggling
with a climate crisis and a pandemic, will be saved from further war.
Grant a just and lasting peace to world weary of conflict.


— By a Columban Missionary

Merciful God, Jesus calls us
to be as you are - full of compassion.
We ask that we be helped to let go of hatred
before it begins to warp our lives. 
As we face and accept our own failings
may we grow in understanding for the failures of others,
especially when these have hurt us or people we love. 
May we find it in our hearts to forgive
not just for the sake of the other but for ourselves.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord we live in a time of rapid change.
It can be hard to keep up.
Be with those who struggle when change.  
Ease the anxiety that such changes can create.
Grant that they may be assisted in receiving help
embracing change and open their mind and life
to new opportunities.


— By a Columban Missionary

God give strength and comfort to families and communities
around the world who are in mourning for loved ones
but carrying the extra burden of not knowing
what happened to them as their loved ones
have just disappeared without trace. 

May they find peace.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, today I ask for your blessing on those who are living
in desperate times with little hope for the future.
Help us to be your ears to listen to their cries.
Help us to be your hands to clothe, feed and shelter them.
Help us to heal those broken in body and spirit,
and to turn their sorrow into joy and hope.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.


— By a Columban Missionary

Almighty God, You alone can bring into order
the unruly wills and affections of sinners.
Grant Your people grace to love
what You command and desire what You promise;
that, among the swift and varied changes of the world,
our hearts may surely there be fixed
where true joys are to be found;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and for ever.


Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ
came down from heaven to be the true bread
which gives live to the world:
Evermore give us this bread,
that He may live in us, and we in Him;
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. 


God our Father,
You sent Saint Patrick
to preach Your glory to the people of Ireland.
By the help of his prayers,
may all Christians proclaim Your love to all men.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of life.
You have protected us through the night
and have enabled us to wake up this morning.
If it were not because of Your love for us,
we would not be here today.
Your unconditional love has enabled us
to come to this place when we are healthy
and ready to start the day.
We thank You, Lord.
Let everything that the day holds,
bring glory to Your name.


Our Father, sometimes the cares of the day
seem to multiply, while the blessings fade so quickly.
Our bodies grow tired and our minds even more tired.
Jesus, help us.
Give us the strength You've promised in Your Word.
Give us the power to take the next step.
Give us your grace for we know that
in our weaknesses Your strength is revealed.
May we receive it today.


Dear God, give me the courage to begin again,
to overlook the difficulties,
to overcome the obstacles
and to stay open to the moment as best I can.
Help me be patient enough
to know it takes time to start over,
and wise enough to ask for help
from friends and family when I need it. 
As I look to the future, may I reflect
on the past and remember the lessons
it's taught me. 
And God, may I always look to You
for strength and guidance.

Lord, we ask for Your wisdom,
for Your strength and power
to be constantly present within us.
We pray You would make us strong
and courageous for the road ahead.

Give us ability beyond what we feel able
and let Your gifts flow freely through us,
so You would be honored by our lives,
and others would be drawn to You.
In Your name, we pray.
