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Weekly Prayer Archive

My dear Lord, I desire deeply to become   
more fully a member of Your most intimate family in grace.   
Help me to always dedicate myself to the complete fulfillment   
of the will of our Father in Heaven.   
And, as I conform my will more fully with that of the Father’s,   
draw me deeper and deeper into union with You.


— By a Columban Missionary



Merciful Jesus, I sin every day and will continue    
to fail to follow You with perfection.    
I thank You for Your abundant mercy.    
Please help me to always be open    
to that mercy by regularly re-examining    
my decisions in life.    
Give me humility, dear Lord, to always repent    
and to turn back to You when I stray.   


— By a Columban Missionary



Gracious God,  
You hear the prayers of Your children.  
Thank You for the privilege of bringing to You  
our needs and concerns.  
Help us always to look to You  
as the source of our help and hope,  
trusting in Your love for us. 


– By a Columban Missionary

Mighty Lord You have set us down 
in the middle of Your creation 
and given us work to do. 
Give us also the things of the new creation 
that we may be held in faith and do your work 
for now as we wait in joy for your glory 
to be revealed. 


– By a Columban Missionary

Holy Father You fashioned the universe 
and made order from chaos. 
Thank You for bringing order to our lives. 
Help us to respect the authorities You have established 
for the sake of the world and for the Church. 
Guide us by Your spirit to serve Your will. 


– By a Columban Missionary

God You have called us from among the peoples 
and nations of the world to be Your own. 
Thank You for the love that You have shown us 
by leading us to Your service. 
Help us to live as people who are in but not 
of the world, that we may be light to others 
and bring You glory and honor. 


– By a Columban Missionary

O God, by the preaching of Your apostle Paul
You have caused the light of the Gospel
to shine throughout the world: Grant, we pray,
that we, having his wonderful conversion in remembrance,
may show ourselves thankful to You
by following his holy teaching;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Almighty Father, who inspired Simon Peter,
first among the apostles, to confess Jesus
as Messiah and Son of the living God:
Keep Your Church steadfast upon the rock of this faith,
so that in unity and peace we may proclaim
the one truth and follow the one Lord,
our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Lord, just a few moments with You,
a few thoughts shared between us,
the sense of Your friendship can be more healing
and refreshing than a mountain scene,
easing my body, soothing my anxious mind.

There are days though it’s not easy,
Lord, especially in the mornings
if I awake anxious or worried,
or when I haven’t slept well,
if at all and the day lies long before me.

Refresh me, Lord,
with the goodness of Your presence.
Lord, help me though the day.


– By a Columban Missionary


Dear Jesus, 
You were true to Your Father’s desire for the full life
for all people and the whole of creation.
We falter in following You, letting our own
petty concerns get in the way of giving ourselves
in love and service for others.
In some ways we become like those who greeted You
when You entered Jerusalem and then denied
or even wished You dead in a few days’ time.
Encourage us to use our hearts, minds and hands,
all together, in following Your example of being life giving.


- By a Columban Missionary

O God, as this year comes to an end,
we pray for the people of the world:
for the young and old;
for women and men;
for the hungry, the poor
and those who live with plenty;
for the broken and unloved;
for those hurting and those who heal;
for those who live without hope
and those who bring meaning to life;
we ask that Your mercy and loving-kindness
may abound.

— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Jesus, we prepare ourselves
for Your coming among us –
Your first coming at Bethlehem,
Your coming again at the end of time
and more immediately Your coming
to us in our day to day lives.
We meet You in the Bible,
in mass and prayer, in our meeting
with others especially the poor
and all those who have less in life.
Free us from the distractions
that separate us from You.
Open our eyes and ears and hearts.


— By a Columban Missionary

God, give us the power to be tolerant
of other races, cultures, people and beliefs.  
We find ourselves emerged in a world
that is full of hate and afraid
of what we don’t understand.  
Help us to find the strength
to  value our differences;
to love one another;
and to teach us equality.

— By a Columban Missionary

Heavenly Father, today we give thanks
for the many individuals who sponsor
Columban missionaries around the world.
Your sponsorship makes it possible
for us to pursue God’s work
as we walk in accompaniment
with other members of the global Church.

— By a Columban Missionary