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Weekly Prayer Archive

Mighty God, the fountain of all wisdom: 
Enlighten by Your Holy Spirit those who teach 
and those who learn, that, rejoicing 
in the knowledge of Your truth, they may worship You 
and serve You from generation to generation; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns 
with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 


O merciful Creator, Your hand is open wide 
to satisfy the needs of every living creature. 
Make us always thankful for Your loving providence; 
and grant that we, remembering the account 
that we must one day give, may be faithful stewards 
of Your good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, 
who with You and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, 
one God, forever and ever.


I Thank You, Lord, for blessings 
and for favors bestowed on me  
this day.

I praise you, Lord, for joys 
and inspirations received along 
the way.

I give you glory, Lord, 
for love and mercies more 
than words could ever say.


— By a Columban Missionary

Just to say Thank You  
for showing that you care. 
Just to say Thank You 
I offer now this prayer.

May the Lord lovingly bless you 
each and every day. 
May His peace be always with you 
for this, I truly pray.

May His love keep and help you 
in all you do and say. 
May His Spirit lead and guide you 
along life’s winding way.


— By a Columban Missionary

"For I am well aware of my offenses,  
my sin is constantly in mind." (Psalm 51: 3)

Lord, Your forgiveness should make me feel new,  
so, why do I feel unforgivable? 
My sinful past continually torments my spirit. 
The painful memories give me no peaceful redemption.

Lord, grace me with Your sight. 
Allow me to see myself as You see me: 
The person You forgave, 
the hope You saw.

Lord, grace me with Your compassion. 
Allow me to feel what You felt when You heard me: 
Acceptance, not rejection, love, not contempt.

Give me the grace to forgive myself.

"God, create in me a clean heart,  
renew within me a resolute spirit." (Psalm 51: 10)


— By a Columban Missionary

"Why do You reject me, Lord? 
Why hide Your face from me?" (Psalm 88: 15)

Lord, I am angry with You, 
my life has taken a turn, 
and it seems You are not there to even care.

Does all that we have been through not 
mean anything to You? 
Are You the cause of my despair?

But, who can I turn to? 
Who else will hear my cry? 
Allow me to express how I feel. 
Listen to what I say. 
You can handle anything I toss Your way.

We are friends who drifted apart. 
But like friends, we can make amends, 
when my anger ends.


— By a Columban Missionary

God, I live the words spoken in the book of Job: 
“A shiver of horror ran through me 
and filled all my bones with fright.” (Job 4: 14) 

I cannot move, 
paralyzed between the worries of the past 
and the anxieties about the future. 
I continually cry out, “How did I get here?” 
“What will become of me?” 

Bring tranquility to my weary bones.  
Unbind me from the burdens of yesterday, 
dispel my fears of a tomorrow not yet set. 
Grace me with the peace of Your psalmist: 

“For You have always been my help; 
in the shadow of Your wings, I rejoice; 
my heart clings to You, 
Your right hand supports me.” (Psalm 63: 7-8) 


— By a Columban Missionary

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of education, 
and the knowledge and the opportunities it brings. 
Lord, we pray for all those involved in education. 
Bless our teachers, professors, mentors, and parents.
Grant them patience, passion, and a deep sense of purpose 
as they nurture and cultivate the minds and hearts 
of all students.

Help us to remember that education 
is not just about acquiring knowledge, 
but also about nurturing character, 
fostering empathy, and cultivating wisdom. 
May we use the knowledge we gain to serve others, 
to make a positive impact in our communities, 
and to bring about positive change in the world.


Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son 
came not to be served but to serve: 
Bless all who, following in his steps, 
give themselves to the service of others; 
that with wisdom, patience, and courage, 
they may minister in His name 
to the suffering, friendless, and needy; 
for the love of him who laid down his life for us, 
Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, 
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, 
one God, for ever and ever.


Lord, give us missionaries 
who have enthusiasm for the Gospel, 
zeal for the salvation of Your people, 
courage in leadership, 
humility in service, 
hunger for justice, 
and a love of community with one another 
and with all their brothers and sisters in You.


Holy Spirit, as we rejoice in the blessings of liberty, 
we remember those who have sacrificed their lives 
to secure and protect our freedoms. 
We lift up in prayer our brave men and women in uniform, 
who selflessly serve our country. 
Watch over them, strengthen them, and bring them 
safely home to their loved ones. 
May their courage and dedication inspire us to live lives of service, 
putting the needs of others before our own.


Giver of all good gifts, 
let Your Spirit be at the center of our lives 
as we share in the work of building Your kingdom.
Thank you O Lord, for the diversity of gifts 
and talents that are represented in society.
Guide our efforts so we can help shape a world 
where Your mission can be more fully realized. 
Keep us mindful of the needs of our community 
and lead us to act in ways that reflect Gospel values.



Heavenly Father, 
As the sun rises higher in the sky  
and the days grow longer,  
we thank You for the gift of summer.  
We rejoice in the beauty of creation that surrounds us,  
from the blooming flowers to the gentle breeze.

In these first days of summer,  
we seek Your blessings and guidance.  
Fill our hearts with joy and gratitude  
for the wonders of Your creation.  
May we find solace and peace in the warmth of the sun,  
and may it remind us of the light of Your love  
that shines upon us always.


— By a Columban Missionary

O Lord, seize us with Your power and light, 
help us to protect all life, 
to prepare for a better future, 
for the coming of Your Kingdom 
of justice, peace, love and beauty. 
Praise be to You!


— Pope Francis (Laudato Sí 246)