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Weekly Prayer Archive

Dear Jesus,
Thunderstorms remind us of the challenges 
we face in life. 
The turbulence of broken relationships 
or sudden illness may catch us off guard. 
Your calming presence eases our spirits 
and brings hope for future healing. 
Into your hands, I commend my spirit. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
The help of others eases the burdens we face. 
Yet so often we fail to ask for assistance 
or when given we are reluctant to accept it. 
Heal the pride and self-image that stunts 
seeking and accepting help. 
Perhaps in time we may become givers. 
You didn’t make us to live alone.


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
When I’m not well or bothered by body aches 
being attentive to others doesn’t come easily. 
Yet when I make at least some effort 
to turn from myself to other’s needs, 
even my own pain lessens and things seem brighter. 
Help me to remember this. 


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
At times I feel frustrated. 
A device doesn’t work. 
I have to wait a long time for an appointment. 
A plan falls through. 
Help me to ease up. 
Let me see and appreciate the beauty of nature 
and the kindness of strangers. 


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus,
As Spring comes we see a great coming to life 
and greening of our surroundings. 
Flowers bloom, leaves clothe tree branches, 
the air smells sweet. 
Enlighten our spirits to enjoy nature’s gift 
and anticipate resurrection. 


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Lord, give me the strength to pray today. 
There are so many distractions in my everyday life 
that I need Your help to focus on prayer.
I pray that You will continue to guide my life. 
Bless my life with joy in my heart, 
a clear mind and a nourished soul. 
God, thank You for the gifts 
You have bestowed upon me.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord of the nations, we pray for the people of the world. 
Grant that they may receive Your peace 
and a sense of the richness of life 
that comes through Your abundant gifts.
Teach us how to put aside our differences
and live together for the betterment of all.


— By a Columban Missionary

God of creation, we thank You 
for the awesome beauty of the land and sea,
for the wonders of life on our planet, 
for the rich diversity of people, 
and for Your sons and daughters who seek to live out Your will.
Help us to protect all your creations and treat them 
with love and respect.


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Jesus, I try to come to You as I am 
though I know that I do try to give a good appearance, 
to show off my best self. 
Yet You accept me with all the pretense, 
with all my faults and failings. 
Your mercy and understanding bring healing to my heart. 
You call me to simplicity, to be like Nathaniel 
a person without guile. 
I come to realize that all that I am and all that I have is your gift, 
that to be my true self I need to give myself away as you did. 
Your love calls me to love in turn. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Lord, at times I need to speak out my worries and needs. 
At other times I want to give thanks. 
Cherished prayers learned in youth touch my heart on some days. 
Again just being silent before the awesome wonder of your being, 
so far beyond comprehension, may seem right. 
You are both intimately approachable and yet wholly different. 
Words are not enough to embrace you. 
However, I pray and live, be with me on my journey. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Heavenly Father, 
I look forward to tomorrow and what is waiting for me.  
However, I need to live in the now 
and be thankful for what is in my life today.  
Tomorrow will be a blessing; 
until then I will be thankful for today. 

— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Jesus, I get so caught up in my doings 
that I am scarcely aware of Your presence. 
Yet when things go wrong or when I 
just seem to be on a perpetual treadmill, 
I finally seek You out. 
You are patient, gentle and kind. 
You let me know that You are with me. 
In turn, You invite me to get out of myself 
and to broaden my awareness of others’ needs. 
Help me to show real care. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Jesus, 
At times we get caught up in the tasks of doing things. 
The busyness of our lives may harden us. 
We act as if our value and worth depend on accomplishments. 
We fail to appreciate the gift of life and who we are. 
You remind us that we are to become 
like little children – open to being open to life.  
Help us to cherish Your love for us as we are, 
so that in turn we may show a tender, compassionate 
heart to others. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Heavenly Father, we Your followers live in an in-between world. 
We know by Faith of Your victory over sin and death 
through Your Life, Death and Resurrection. 
Yet we see the reality of evil in people being exploited, 
in land, sea and sky being polluted, 
in people brought to despair by poverty.  
We continue Your mission of Hope by our own attempts 
to be fair and caring in our day-to-day lives; 
in the struggles to bring about true peace and justice; 
in announcing to others that life has meaning 
and is fulfilled in compassion. 
By Your example of self-giving, guide us to true Love and Life. 

— By a Columban Missionary