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Weekly Prayer Archive

It’s easy, to turn my back, to feel offended, hurt.  
Lord, ease my bitterness, my selfish sense  
of hurt ego, dented pride.  
Let me replace them with a smile, a kind word.  
May I turn back to those who need my love.  
Move my heart to care less for myself  
and more for others.  


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, I thank You.  
You love us all equally,  
with unswerving love,  
a love beyond measure.  
No matter how strong our faults,  
no matter how deep our sins,  
Your love is stronger, deeper.   
Cherish my loved ones in Your holy heart  
with Your deepest of deep love.  
May they know Your peace,  
with Our Lady and all the saints,  
and behold You face to face forever and ever. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, by the power of Your holy cross,  
take away from my heart all hatred,  
all bitterness, all false pride, all manipulation of others.  
Fill my heart with Your love, heal all painful memories,  
free me from all my sins and from every evil.


— By a Columban Missionary

How often, Lord, I wish to stretch across the miles 
and touch loved ones far away or be whisked 
on an angel’s wings to their very side. 

Be with them in all they do. 
When their hearts grow lonely and homesick 
and when they long to see and hold their loved ones, 
touch them, Lord, with the touch of your presence. 

Hold them in your embrace, help them feel better, 
knowing that in your love we are all close together. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Life is full of wonders each day; 
we live in a universe that is a  
temple of His glory.

Fire and frost, hills and the sea, 
stars and all living things show forth 
the glory of their maker.

Yet God in heaven is waiting 
for something only a human heart 
can give - Praise, Adoration, and Love. 
On this day, I give these things to you.


— By a Columban Missionary

I thank you, Lord, 
for the blessings and for favors 
bestowed on me this day.

I praise You, Lord, 
for joys and inspirations 
received along the way.

I give You glory, Lord, 
for love and mercies more 
than words could ever say.


— By a Columban Missionary

May the Lord be with you 
in your journey in life; 
may He look after you 
and keep you from harm; 
may He surround you with his peace; 
and gladden your heart with joy; 
may He keep you always in His care; 
and gently guide you in all your ways 
with His loving presence.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, in this time of tribulation 
hear the prayer we offer 
for our suffering world. 
May we be united in hope 
for the future destiny 
of our world, 
that together we can strive 
to make it a better place, 
where our human family 
can live in harmony and peace. 
Shine in our darkness 
like a candle 
so that in spite of all 
the uncertainties 
in our world today 
we may hold fast 
to our trust in you.


— By a Columban Missionary

Loving Jesus, 
Thank you for the invitation to come  
and see where you live. 
We believe Your Spirit will be with us  
on this journey. 
Help us to discover You in the stories  
and cultures of other peoples. 
Teach us to live in community with one another  
and to take delight in the beauty of the human family. 
Guide us by the light of Your love so that we too  
may be a light to others.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, thank You for being at my side 
on my journey through life.

For helping me at the moments 
when I really need a helping hand.

For being close to me all the time 
even though I seemed to be flying in all directions.

For looking after me when I was in danger, 
for caring about me in a way I don't deserve.

Thank you, Lord. Amen.

By a Columban Missionary

God, do You see me?
Do You know I am here?
I feel as if You have abandoned me or are unaware.
Even my loved ones and friends don't keep me company.
Out of the darkness, I cry to You.

Free me from depression, oppression, and isolation.
Help me to encounter those who can aid me.
Give me the confidence of Your psalmist who said:

Let the darkness cover me, 
and the night wrap itself around me, 
even darkness to you is not dark, 
and night is as clear as the day. (Psalm: 139: 11-12)

Give light to my darkness;
remind me that You are with me.
Even darkness cannot hide me from You.


By a Columban Missionary

How can children be happy in the midst of misery? 
But they are. 
They play and laugh and joke like children anywhere, 
and they still have a place for You in their hearts. 
Lord, bless our children throughout the World. 
May they realise that money isn’t everything. 
May they be freed from greed and be generous. 


By a Columban Missionary

Lord, You work in mysterious ways.  
It’s not always easy to see the patterns You weave in life.  
Sometimes we see Your plan, see Your beauty,  
like a web illumined by morning light, but not always.  
Sometimes we see things out of focus,  
see them without the light of Your love.  
Help me, Lord, to understand Your ways,  
and to delight in them. 


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, upon the cross You cried: 
"Father, forgive them; they do not know 
what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

Lord, why didn't You say, "I forgive"?   
Was being abandoned, denied, and betrayed by Your friends;   
condemned, crucified, and mocked by Your people;   
too painful to overcome?   
Only You know the reasons why.

Yet, You pleaded to Your Father to complete   
what You struggled with until Your Resurrection.

Lord, I honestly confess that, in my pain, I struggle to forgive.   
I have not yet felt the graces of the Resurrection.   
I humbly pray that You accomplish what I cannot   
and I pray that one day I will have the willingness to forgive.


— By a Columban Missionary