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Daily Prayer Archive

God, our Father,
You have granted to Your church
the gift of St. Gianna Beretta Molla.
In her youth she lovingly sought You
and drew…

O Divine Heart of Jesus,
grant eternal rest to the Souls in Purgatory,
the final grace to those who are about to die this day,

St. Benedict Joseph Labre, you gave up honor,
money and home for love of Jesus.
Help us to set our hearts on Jesus
and not on the things…

O Blessed Face of my kind Savior,
by the tender love and piercing sorrow
of Our Lady as she beheld You in Your cruel Passion,
grant us to…

Help me to understand, Lord,
that what counts is not the road traveled,
but simply putting my hand in Yours
and journeying side by side…

O Glorious Saint Lydwine of Schiedam,
you were chosen by Christ
to suffer immense pain for poor sinners
and to offer up all your…

Most loving Heart of Jesus,
bring me health in body and spirit
that I may serve You with all my strength.
Touch gently this life which…

Flowers are blooming, signs of hope and joy.
Dear Jesus, Your rising from the dead
gives the promise of new life.
Help me be aware of…

Most Holy Virgin of the Revelation,
you who are in the Divine Trinity, we beg you;
turn your merciful and kind glance toward us.
Oh Mary…

Lord Jesus Christ,
I ask today to forgive everyone in my life.
I know that You will give me the strength to forgive
and I thank You that…

O Lord Omnipotent,
Who permits evil so You may draw from it goodness,
hear our humble petitions, as we beg of You
the grace of being…

Glorified Lord, Your resurrection pierces 
the darkness of doubt and fear. 
May the power of Your resurrection help me 

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You
because by Your holy cross You have
redeemed the world.
Christ, You died once for our sins,…

All-powerful, eternal God,
You have chosen to give mankind 
a model of humility; 
our Savior took on our flesh,