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Daily Prayer Archive

Lord, You answer when I call for help.
Help me to put Your golden rule into practice
that I may be a source of healing and love for others…

Lord God almighty, Father of Jesus Christ,
Your dear Son through whom
we have come to know You,
God of the angels and powers,
God of…

Gracious God, on Ash Wednesday we begin
a period of inner reflection and examination. 
The days of Lent stretch before me 

My dear Savior,
I unite all my affections with the affections
of Your most loving Heart,
and I offer them with You to Your Eternal Father…

Lord, we offer our prayers on behalf of our president.
Draw him into a strong relationship with You.
Thank You for this one who has pledged…

Majestic Queen of Heaven
and Mistress of the Angels,
you received from God
the power and commission
to crush the head of Satan;

Blessed are you,
Mother of my Lord,
for you have believed the Word of God.

In faith and love, you have pondered
the Words and…

O Lord Jesus Christ Who,
in order to renew the memory
of the sorrows of Your most blessed Mother,
has through the seven holy founders

O good and tender Mother,
you shall forever be our hope
and the object of our love.

O Mother of God,
send forth the holy Angels to…

Jesus, I believe in You,
Jesus, I hope in You,
Jesus, I love You.

I believe in You for those who do not believe.
I hope in You for…

O holy and immaculate Mother,
we pray that your intercession
may protect us and all people
from hate and discord,
and direct our…

Sweet Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.
I trust in You for all, with all, in spite of all,
and forever.

O Mary, Mother of my Jesus,

O my Divine Savior, transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
May my tongue be the tongue of Jesus,
Grant that…

O Holy Mother, in the years 
following your appearance at Lourdes,
do not forget the sorrows of this earth.
Cast a merciful glance…