After I qualified as a veterinarian, I volunteered to work on an agricultural project in South Korea for two years which was started by Columban…
I responded to my baptismal call to become a lay missionary with the Columbans in 2017.
In August last year, I arrived at St. John the Apostle Parish in Natovi, Fiji, to begin my ministry, where, among other things I would help…
“How old are you?” is a question that I’m very often asked in Pakistan, and when I tell my age, 7
My name is Uakeia Tawaia, and I come from the Kiribati Islands. In 2016, I was studying Accounting at the Kiribati Institute of Technology (KIT)…
The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, or Udang Poi, is a huge celebration in th
In January 2019 I returned to Taiwan with my husband Jung-Woong Bosco as a Columban lay missionar
I believe as human beings we all have a call, a call to be a particular type of person.
God the creator keeps faith with the universe forever
Every day in our lives we meet people of various ages and from different backgrounds. Many of them we don’t know but some of them we get to know…