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Every Moment Counts

I came home for my highly anticipated home vacation in April 2018 after spending the last three years in Chile, feeling incredibly excited to be…

My Wonderful Missionary Journey in Ireland

My missionary journey in Ireland was the highlight of my entire career and my greatest accomplish

Snoring and Lending Money

I have been attending a training of trainers at the Methodist Conference Center.


I was born in a predominantly Christian city in the Philippines.

To Pause and Wonder

"People think pleasing God is all God cares about, but any fool in the world can see he is always

A Journey of Prayer

The easiest way for me to write about prayer is to speak of my own journey with God. I say this because prayer is a particular experience for each…

The River

The river came out of the ground underneath the rocks

Not all Wounds Bleed

Recent Anzac Day commemorations in New Zealand made a special attempt to recognize that “not all wounds bleed.” There has always been great…

Do Not Be Afraid

I first met Mr. Ikehata when Rev. Tesshu, a Buddhist priest, took Columban Fr. Bede Cleary and me to meet him on a hot summer day. The four of us…

Starting from Zero

I arrived in Peru thinking that it wouldn’t be very challenging. I was sent straight away to Bolivia to learn Spanish. When I arrived there my…