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Mission in a Muslim Country

Columban Fr. Daniel O’Connor is part of a small group of eight in the Hyderabad Diocese, Pakistan, where they manage a health and tuberculosis…

The Journey of the Magi

The Christmas/Epiphany cycle offers us generous glimpses into the mystery of the birth and manife

Christmas Present for a Missionary

I would like to share with you one of the most delightful Christmas presents that I have ever received. In the mission parish of Katase in…

Bringing God's Kingdom to Birth

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be fe

Roses in December

The story begins in the early morning hours of December 9, 1531, when a 57-year-old Indian peasan

Born to Change the World

Christmas is a festival of children. We see images of a child born in a stable surrounded by animals with Mary and Joseph by the crib. Although…

Christmas and the Shared Gift

A couple of years ago, before starting the Christmas Mass, in a chapel in the southern area of th

Christmas Reflection

As Christmas draws near my thoughts go back to 1973 and 1974 when I was in Korea.

Christmas Cards Tell the Story

The Subanens are an indigenous people whose ancestral habitat is the highlands of northwest Mindanao in the Philippines. When the Columban Fathers…

Our Place of Belonging

At Christmastime we are drawn to reflect on our place of belonging, our "home." This sense of bei