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O Mother of Perpetual Help

See at Your feet, O Mother of Perpetual Help,
a poor sinner who has recourse to you

Heal My Pride

Dear Jesus, 
The help of others eases the burdens we face. 

Light of the Gospel

Remember, O Almighty Father, the moment when
following Your will, the holy missionaries,

Prayer to St. Josemaria Escriva

O God, through the mediation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary,

Peace and Harmony

Lord, You live in communion with God and the Holy Spirit.


Columban seminarians are helping to bring true hope to one of Manila’s most notorious slums. “This’ll be a real eye-opener,” Lydio told me, and he…

Let Your Light Shine Brightly

Believe in yourself and all that you are.

Glorious St. John the Baptist

O Glorious St. John the Baptist,
who, for the honor of God and the salvation of souls,

Our Lady of the Cape

Our Lady of the Cape, our most merciful Mother,

Dear St. Thomas More

Dear St. Thomas More, in your earthly life,
you were a model of industriousness.