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Glorious St. Joan of Arc

O glorious St. Joan of Arc lay my petitions
before the throne of Jesus.

90 Years of Columban Mission in Korea

Columban missionaries arrived in Korea in 1933 at the invitation of the Paris Foreign Missions (MEP) Bishop Demange of Daegu Diocese. As many of…

Jesus Help Me

Jesus Help me.
In every need let me come to You
with a humble trust saying,

O Most Blessed Trinity

I venerate and glorify You,
O Most Blessed Trinity,
in union with the ineffable glory

Love for Young People

For almost three decades, working with young people has been part of my ministry as a parish catechist in my home country of the Philippines and…

The Power of Your Dreams

Believe in the power of your dreams, for they are the blueprints of your future.

Remember the Brave

Lord, Today, we remember the many 
brave men and women who have given 

Feast of St. Mariana de Jesus

My God of Infinite Holiness,
one in Being and three in Person,

Comfort Them

Loving God,
Have mercy on all who are sick this day.

Our Lady, Help of Christians

O Virgin Most Holy,
powerful help of Christians,